My professor
took us a quiz the first one of this semester, it was good because we had to be
careful answering the online questions, and I got a good score. The main point
of this week was the study of something that I did not know, it was Plagiarism.
I had some questions. What is Plagiarism? Who is affected with Plagiarism? These
questions were answered, with the explanation of our professor. Plagiarism is
to steal someone`s ideas. It is considered a crime. According to this web site: I learned how to avoid plagiarism using
Citation, it is to write the author`s name or a reference that the information
is not from ourselves. It will give some credit to the author. Paraphrasing and
quotation are important when we are getting other`s information, Quotation is
the use of (“ ”) quotation marks to show the exact words that someone said or
create and Paraphrasing is presenting ideas in our own words, but not changing
the sense of the author. It means to make easier to understand the objective
why the information was written. I learned it reading the web sites that our professor
showed us in the platform. I will apply this knowledge to do any kind of
research, I am very happy, because it is a good way to understand that we are
able to express anything in our words and we do not have to steal ideas.
style about citation explain us how to cite any kind of source where we have
gotten information, it is very important to learn not just for this class, it is
important for all our professional life.
Finally we
did a Power Point Presentation as an assignment, and some partners exposed it. I
learned how to improve Power Point Presentations and the correct way to create
useful slides. It was a nice week! Thanks.
Cornell University Library. APA Citation
Style. Retrieved from:
• Science Buddies. Writing a Bibliography: APA Format. Retrieved
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