jueves, 19 de abril de 2012



       In this week I learned important uses of specific web sites like the UNESCO ICT, in this case I got very good ideas about the importance of technology in education. we had to read three paragraphs from this web site http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/themes/icts and discuss in a forum on the Aula Virtual. In my opinion, Internet is fundamental for learning specially a new language, in conclusion of the reading that we practiced, of course, a Teacher must be open-minded to get strategies to improve his/her classes, because the educational world is improving and people need very good teachers to help the development of the world. 

       Furthermore, in this class we practiced The use of Diigo, in this case to make discussion groups, i chose a web site where we have a clear explanation about vowels and consonants sounds http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/english_main.html where we just have to click in one sound and we will be able to listen to it and check the movements of articulators.

          I learned another important on-line tool that is called Dropbox. Dropbox is a tool to help us to save any kind of document on-line instead of a memory flash or a computer, with all the securities that we can have. For the free version we have 2GB to save information and we need more space we can buy another version, i up-loaded some documents, and i can download them in any computer from any country.

      At the end of the class we review a very useful web site that is http://www.esl-lab.com/ where we have many listening exercises for three levels Easy, Medium and Difficult. We were listening to some links in class. Finally, this class week was great because i learned new tools that the internet offers. I will use the suggestions from the ICT page to increase my knowledge as a teacher my Diigo account to save the useful websites that i could find, my Dropbox account to make "Respaldos" of my important documents. Thanks for make interesting this week.

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