viernes, 20 de julio de 2012



      In this week I uploaded my Portfolio´s summary and we will finish almost everything. Thanks for every moment that I shared in this class with you I learned a lot and I will use technology in my future professional life.



    This week was not so bad because I presented my Interdisciplinary project, that was about The Lack of interaction and communication in an Englisg class. It wasa good experience because I realised in in a good way I got a good grade. I really worked a lot in it.

    According to Internet and Multimedia, I was working in my classmates´ virtual class, doing some exercises. I finished my Virtual class too, and I am so glad to have studied this subject I learned a lot from everybody specially from my professor. She is very smart. Thanks for everything!!!!!



During this week I prepared my Virtual Environment in EDMODO. I signed in as a teacher in order to get a password to invite my friends to be my students. I wrote a short introduction In the group Learning in advance. Later I created a small survey about what my students are learning English. This was the Onjective of this virtual class:

"After finishing two activities in this WEB 2.0 tool, the student will be able to communicate and express his/her ideas in discussions and give examples of real situations according to the activity with a high percent of accuracy"

Finally mu students wrote a small paragraph, and a general Culture quiz. It was nice!!!

This is my class URL:



This week was good because my classmates presented in front of the class the Web 2.0 tools that they were supposed to study and explain us applying the tool. The tools presented were:

  1. Twitter:
It is a free and social tool where we can send messages with specific characters, and it is used like a mini-blog to publish small information using videos and images too.
  1. Google maps:
Google maps are a service of Google that provides a very high technology where we can see maps from the entire world, using specific information and addresses.
  1. Podcast
Podcast is a system that permits the distribution of multimedia (photographs, videos and audio) on the Web.

  1. Authorstream
It permits upload and share online presentations for example Power Point, where we can get an URL. It can be download like a video in You tube.
  1. Wikispaces
Wikispaces are platforms where used for education and business. It is free and permits a lot of activities.
  1. Flikr
It is a place where we can share images and photographs. It is very particular to find new places.
  1. K12 Lesson plans
It is a very useful web site where we are going to organize some activities for our students in a very interesting way and prepare a lesson plan.
  1. Podomatic
Podomatic is a new service of podcasting online, it permits to register videos and audio from our browser and people could write comments in our audio files.
  1. Web quest
It is and activity that helps students to do researches very organized. It permits to get information in an easy way with the specific name of the assignment.

Unfortunately, I did not have agood presentation of my tool "Google maps", but I learned a lot from mistakes.




    Unfortunately, we did not have Internet connection in our new computers, but it was a very useful time to learn more about our teaching career.

     The professor was sharing her experiences with us in her past. For example teaching in highschools is a kind of difficult because teenagers are not mature to start learning but with some clues that our professor gave us we will manage some problems.

    This video is really good to get more responsability at the moment of teching:



     This week was ok, We did not have classes, but i was searching the net in order to explore the WEB 2.0 tools that we studied.

    I do not have a lot to tell you because we were just catching up some homework and preparing the portfolio that we were talking about from the beggining of the semester. Iused this time to review some things from our Interdisciplinary project.

A video to enjoy!!!



     In this week I learned about a new WEB 2.0 tool that is called prezi. It permits us to create so beautiful presentations like PPT but it iis on line and give us more tools to make excellent and professionals presentations.

     First, I created my account and I started to explore this very good tool. Finally the assignment was to respond some questions about Blogs in educations. We used Google Docs in order to share them with others.



     This topic was really interesting WEB 2.0 tools, at the beginning I thought that it was really simple because we talked about Facebook, Twitter as part of these tools, but it was completely different. Web 2.0 tools are so many and we were exploring a lot of them searching great web sites, for example Edmodo, K12 lesson plans, Nicenet to create virtuals environments. There so many more to make our life easier, uploading videos, PPT presentations.

    In conclusion, It was useful because the professor also explained us how to work on our digital portfolios. I checked The installer Cuadernia, it was difficult to use because it does not permit us to save changes but we will be able to use other programs or web sites to create our portfolio.



     This week I had a very good experience performing a class using my leson plan. It was really good because I was training myself for the next semester to do my innerships. It is very important to lose the fear and not show that the teacher is nervous because everuthing will be wrong besides the teacher has a perfect lesson plan.

     I was teaching about some places that my students have visited in America, they were brainstorming in a worm-up the i developed. Finally, we showed a PPT with our microteaching project. I will leave the video of the first part of my class. Enjoy it.



    This week was really good because I learned how to write objectives in a lesson plan with the ABC method. The objectives are very important in writing a lesson plan because it gives clearly what students are going to be able at the end of the lesson.

     The teacher checked our lesson plan because we had to write one of them. Then she gave as feedback to improve it. The ideas that the teacher gave us were very important to develop our objectives of the class. I prepared a demo class using my lesson plan. i loved that activity.



    In this week we reviewed more information about lesson plans and the importance of them for all the teachers in the world. It is one of the most important bases that a teacher must have because in this consists the kind of education that our students are going to receive. Another thing, our professor gave us more feedback about PPT.

     This is so good for me because i am getting more knowledge and technology is amazing we can do a lot of things.



     In this time we studied about the four skills the receptives (Reading adn listening) and the productives (speaking and writing). We saw presentation with the explanation for each one and the process to develop lesson planns according to the necesities of the learning process. For example: Writing, Brainstorming, drafting, revising and editing.

     A lesson plan is a document to show or organize the activities that a teacher will perform in a class. It is very important for us because it will give clear specifications and let teachers present any kind of topic.

This is a good web site to check extra information:

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012



      This week was very useful for me because we started the class with a Power Point Presentation that our instructor gave us, I was thinking that that presentation was not good. At the end of the presentation, the instructor explained us about the presentation she made, that presentation was not good because she wanted to explain us about the things that we do not have to do in a PPT.

     I learned by the errors that my professor made, for example i do not have to put so many information in each slide, i do not have to include unuseful images, I do not have to put so many effects. This kind of classes are perfect for us because when we are going to be English teachers, we will give some presentations using this kind of technology in class, and they have to look proffessional.

     Here you have so links to read and videos to watch of how to make good PPT:

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012



       This week was good because we listened to a seminary that out instructor and another professor of the English Program from the U.T.A. presented us. It was about The Effective Use of Technology in the EFL Classroom, they started presenting some dispositives where there was a clear explanation about important tools on the web that can be useful for our classes as teachers. First of all, we reviewed a web site that is where we have information or ideas to create a lesson plan. We logged in:

EDMODO: where we will be able to participate in groups and share information with teachers and classmates.
NOODLETOOLS: Where we will be able to get information in an specific way.
BLOGGER: where we will be able to create blogs to present electronic journals and reflective essays.
DELICIOUS: where we will be able to share, discover, bookmark and share information.
NICENET: where we will be able to create virtual classes for our students.

    Finally, this was a very interesting presentation because I learned important web tools to improve my knowledge and share it with my students in the future and of course find way to make my students love learning a language based in the use of technology teaching the four skills Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking.



       In this week I learned important uses of specific web sites like the UNESCO ICT, in this case I got very good ideas about the importance of technology in education. we had to read three paragraphs from this web site and discuss in a forum on the Aula Virtual. In my opinion, Internet is fundamental for learning specially a new language, in conclusion of the reading that we practiced, of course, a Teacher must be open-minded to get strategies to improve his/her classes, because the educational world is improving and people need very good teachers to help the development of the world. 

       Furthermore, in this class we practiced The use of Diigo, in this case to make discussion groups, i chose a web site where we have a clear explanation about vowels and consonants sounds where we just have to click in one sound and we will be able to listen to it and check the movements of articulators.

          I learned another important on-line tool that is called Dropbox. Dropbox is a tool to help us to save any kind of document on-line instead of a memory flash or a computer, with all the securities that we can have. For the free version we have 2GB to save information and we need more space we can buy another version, i up-loaded some documents, and i can download them in any computer from any country.

      At the end of the class we review a very useful web site that is where we have many listening exercises for three levels Easy, Medium and Difficult. We were listening to some links in class. Finally, this class week was great because i learned new tools that the internet offers. I will use the suggestions from the ICT page to increase my knowledge as a teacher my Diigo account to save the useful websites that i could find, my Dropbox account to make "Respaldos" of my important documents. Thanks for make interesting this week.

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012



       In this week i learned some important activities on the web. First, we started cheking our blogs and the instructor gave us some advice to keep them in a better way. The main topic of that week was "How to use a DIIGO acount". It was a great web site where i started signing in and following some suggestions of my professor i understand everything about it. I learned a very good way to keep web sites, in specific categories, of course it will be very useful for me because i used to save web sites in "Marcadores" in my computer but it was a problem when i had to install a navegator and all my "Marcadores" were cleaned. Using Diigo our bookmarks will not be cleaned we just need a computer with internet and we will be ready to recheck all the web sites that we have saved. It was so easy after to log in i just have to drag a small botton called diigolet to the Marcadores´ rod. If we want to save a web site we just have to go there and click on Diigolet and bookmark it, writen a description of the web site, the privacy if we want, some tags to be easier to find the web site. Something else that i learned is that Diigo permits me create discusion groups to talk about any topic or any web page with my friends that have a Diigo account. Finally, we checked the UNESCO web site and we had to work in the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers document. I will use Diigo almost always because i love to save my favorites web sites.
       Here you have two web sites where you will find information of how to use Diigo and a tutorial video for learning to highlight texts, too:

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012


      My professor took us a quiz the first one of this semester, it was good because we had to be careful answering the online questions, and I got a good score. The main point of this week was the study of something that I did not know, it was Plagiarism. I had some questions. What is Plagiarism? Who is affected with Plagiarism? These questions were answered, with the explanation of our professor. Plagiarism is to steal someone`s ideas. It is considered a crime.   According to this web site: I learned how to avoid plagiarism using Citation, it is to write the author`s name or a reference that the information is not from ourselves. It will give some credit to the author. Paraphrasing and quotation are important when we are getting other`s information, Quotation is the use of (“ ”) quotation marks to show the exact words that someone said or create and Paraphrasing is presenting ideas in our own words, but not changing the sense of the author. It means to make easier to understand the objective why the information was written. I learned it reading the web sites that our professor showed us in the platform. I will apply this knowledge to do any kind of research, I am very happy, because it is a good way to understand that we are able to express anything in our words and we do not have to steal ideas.

       The APA style about citation explain us how to cite any kind of source where we have gotten information, it is very important to learn not just for this class, it is important for all our professional life.

        Finally we did a Power Point Presentation as an assignment, and some partners exposed it. I learned how to improve Power Point Presentations and the correct way to create useful slides. It was a nice week! Thanks.

       Useful websites:

Cornell University Library. APA Citation Style. Retrieved from:

    Science Buddies. Writing a Bibliography: APA Format. Retrieved



     The use of technology for Learning a Foreing Language is one of the most important matters to improve our knowledge. In this class we were able to learn more about the UTA platform. First of all, averything was a little confusing because it was the first time that I use a platform, but with the correctly explanation I used it well.

     I learned to put a link in the platform, in this case our blogspot`s link, to show to the other participants of this virtual class, and comments any entry that we have, it was easy, i just have to edit some settings in the blog. Something that called me the attention was the Forums, it is amazing to discuss about any topic on the net. it is so useful for me because I can share ideas and my partner could help if i am wrong. Finally, we checked the rubric about portfolios. I agree with the new model of keeping a portfolio, because we will be able to reflect about our job and it is one of the best ways to improve our learning process. Thanks for this week.

    This is a funny video about technology. I hope you to enjoy it.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012



Firstable, I am so glad to start a new level and learn more about the language. I love English so I will give all my effort to get more knowledge.
In the first class, the professor talks about our module, and what we are going to learn in Internet and Multimedia classes. I create my own gmail count, because this kind of account let me register in any important web site, and in the platform that the professor is going to create, and I create a new blog where I am going to show you What I learn?, How I learn? And Why I learn? each week.
The next class, I sent some information in a web site, to be registered in the virtual platform. I opened a message where I found the first pair assignment, where I learned how to evaluate web sites. It important for us to know that because we are going to use the internet a lot, and I have to use the correct information, there were 15 questions about this topic, and answering these questions and criticizing to 2 web sites I will increase my knowledge about rely web pages. It is important to know that in a web site must have author's name and the exact source where the information was made, because wehave to be sure about what we are looking for. Analizing the information and differents pints of view, we will be able to get information, but we have to take care about plagiarism. Thanks a lot for this new level and for these new topics.
Here we have a new link to understand better if we have some problems cheking web sites: 

According to University of Marylan: This is a useful video to learn about web sites.